Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

1. General

1.1.  Rivalry.com is the trading name of Rivalry Australia Pty Ltd (Rivalry, We, Us or Our), ACN  646 052 379, a company duly incorporated in Australia pursuant to the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), with Australian headquarters at Level 5, 66 Smith Street, Darwin, NT 0800. Rivalry holds its licence in the Northern Territory (NT), Australia, issued by the NT Racing Commission (NTRC) to accept bets and wagers (together Bets and Betting) by electronic transmission, twenty-four (24) hours per day. Rivalry is licensed and regulated by the Northern Territory Racing Commission and complies with the NT Code of Practice for Responsible Service of Online Gambling 2019. For South Australian residents, out gambling operations are governed by the South Australian Gambling Code of Practice. The Northern Territory Racing Commission’s powers and functions are set out under sections 17 and 18 of the Racing and Betting Act 1983. Rivalry complies with all internet gambling applicable rules, and regulations including but not limited to The Interactive Gambling Act 2001.

1.2.  The terms and conditions consist of these terms as well as Rivalry’s Privacy Policy, the Responsible Gambling Policy, the Promotional Terms and Conditions and the Betting Rules for the individual games (collectively, Terms & Conditions). The Terms & Conditions set out the terms which apply between Rivalry and You, in respect of any and all of Our products and services available to You on Our website including any other application, addon or otherwise operated by Us and used to access Our services such as any telephone, tablet or mobile based application (Website). It is important that You are familiar with the Terms & Conditions (including any amendments) for the lifetime of Your Account. 

1.3.  These Terms & Conditions are effective on and from February 20, 2024.

1.4.  We may update, amend, or change the Terms & Conditions, at Our discretion, from time to time, or as We deem necessary (for example where there is a change in regulatory requirements, changes in law, changes in product types and changes to Rivalry’s systems). We will publish such changes on Our Website. You agree that any such published changes, amendments, or additions are effective and binding on You immediately, and that Your continued use of Our Website and Our services will constitute acceptance of the changes to the Terms & Conditions.  If You do not accept the Terms & Conditions, please close Your Account in accordance with clause 14.1, not access, use or continue to access or use, any section of Our Website, apply to open, or open an Account with Us. As far as is permitted by law and under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act), it is Your responsibility to remain up to date, aware and abide by Our current Terms & Conditions. Please note that Rivalry may, where reasonably possible and appropriate, provide advance notice of changes to the Terms & Conditions. However, it is still Your responsibility to ensure that You are familiar with the Terms & Conditions.

1.5.  To open an online Betting account with Rivalry (Account), which may only occur for personal use, You must be eighteen (18) years or older. Upon opening an Account with Rivalry You become a Rivalry Member (Member, You and Your). You will not be able to engage in any Betting activity unless You are an Account holder. You must not use Your Account on behalf of, for the benefit of, or under the instruction of another person.

1.6.  In order to open an Account with Rivalry You expressly acknowledge and undertake that You are not prohibited from Betting or are excluded or self-excluded from gambling. More detail on Our Responsible Gambling Policy is found at clause 12.

1.7.  By opening an Account and being a Member, or otherwise accessing or using Our Website, You are deemed to have read and understood these Terms & Conditions and have agreed to be bound to them, as amended from time to time.

1.8.  A Member must hold only one Account and not Bet on behalf of another person or entity. Further, a Member must not have previously held an Account with Rivalry that was closed or suspended for any reason. Rivalry reserves the right to suspend or cancel any Account where it believes a Member, or a group of Members, is attempting to coerce the Account creation process or contravene the Terms & Conditions in any way. Amounts deposited into additional Accounts held by a Member will be credited back to the Member, where reasonably possible.

1.9.  You agree that Rivalry.com or its associated websites, offers the service of placing Bets on competitive video style games such as Counter Strike, Dota 2, League Of Legends, among others (Esports), as well as other sports such as Basketball, Boxing and Hockey, among others (Sports). In placing any Bet You acknowledge the possibilities that You may win or lose. You accept full responsibility for any such loss. Your use of Our Website and service are at Your sole option, discretion, and risk.

1.10.  Pursuant to the Privacy Act, Your Personal Information (Personal Information) may only be stored, accessed, used or disclosed internationally where such actions are done so in accordance with the Privacy Act, Our Privacy Policy and Australian Law. Rivalry will collect Your Personal Information in order to facilitate setting up Your Account and will also use Your Personal Information in the process of verifying Your identity, as set out in clause 1.8 onwards. If You do not provide Personal Information requested, You may be unable to open an Account. 

2. Your obligations as a Member

2.1. As an Account holder and Member Your obligations include the following:

a)  You must maintain an up to date record with Rivalry of all details provided in relation to Your Account including Your name, address, contact numbers (mobile and land line where relevant), e-mail address and banking details (including the expiry date of any credit/debit card used).

b)  You must notify Us immediately and correct any incorrect information on Your Account, which is not limited to the details listed above at clause 2.1(a).

c)  Where a Member has not complied with their obligations under clauses 2.1(a) or (b), Rivalry reserves the right to suspend and/or cancel a Member’s Account;

d)  You may only open an Account, place a Bet or otherwise use Our services where it is lawful to do so in the jurisdiction in which You are located. If You are a resident of a country where online or telephone Betting is prohibited or You have not attained the legal gambling age of that country, You must not register with Us, attempt to use Our services, or use Your payment card or other payment method to Bet with Us. For legal and commercial reasons, We do not permit Accounts to be opened by, or used from, customer who reside in certain jurisdictions contained in  Our FAQs under ‘What is an unsupported region?’ (Prohibited Jurisdictions). This list may be updated from time to time and it is the responsibility of the Member to be aware of the relevant Prohibited Jurisdictions.

e)  You must not hide the jurisdiction, or attempt to hide, the jurisdiction in which You are located for the purposes of opening an Account, placing a Bet or otherwise using Our services (Masking). This includes hiding the Internet Protocol (IP) location of the Member via such means as a Virtual Private Network or an equivalent service (VPN). On discovery, or reasonable suspicion of Masking, or attempted Masking, Rivalry reserves the right to suspend or cancel the Account in question, without prior notice. Further, Rivalry may, from time to time, monitor transactions on Accounts and check the location of any given transaction. Rivalry reserves their right to suspend or cancel an Account where transactions appear to be originating from a Prohibited Jurisdiction. You agree that We may suspend or cancel Your Account on this basis and You acknowledge that data that relates to tracking such activity may not always be accurate. Finally, Rivalry may or may not accept Bets from Members Accounts that are under investigation by Rivalry in respect of Masking-based concerns.

f)  You agree that in circumstances where Rivalry discover, or have a reasonable basis to believe, that You have opened an Account in a Prohibited Jurisdiction, Rivalry may at its absolute discretion do any, or all of the following before, among other things, allowing the withdrawal of funds:

  1. close or suspend the Account;
  2. request proof of the method of payment employed and bank account information; and
  3. request further Know Your Customer (KYC) documentation (for example, further personal identification information).

g)  You must undergo Member identification and verification (Identification and Verification) to the satisfaction of Rivalry before You will be permitted to use Your Account or withdraw funds from the Account.

h)  You must notify Rivalry immediately of any matter (including if You suspect that Your mental capacity is in any way impaired) which may lead Us to reasonably infer that Your ability to make sound judgements about Betting in respect of Your Account may be impaired. We reserve Our right to suspend or cancel an Account where this is the case, and You agree to be bound by this.

i)  You agree that Your Account is not a bank account and is therefore not to be insured, guaranteed, sponsored, or otherwise protected by any deposit or banking insurance or by another other similar insurance system.

3. Member Identification and Verification

3.1. For a Member to validly open an Account with Rivalry they must first successfully undertake Identification and Verification. This must be in compliance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth) (AML/CTF Act) and its associated rules (AML/CTF Rules and, together with the AML/CTF Act, the AML/CTF Legislation). Pursuant to Section 4.2.6 of the AML/CTF Rules an individual Member must provide a minimum proof of their full name, date of birth and their residential address (KYC). You accept and acknowledge that Rivalry must abide by the AML/CTF Legislation.

3.2.  You agree that the personal details which You provide to Rivalry to open an Account are true and correct, are not misleading (including by omission) and that they are Your own personal details and not the details of anyone else. You acknowledge that it is an offence under the AML/CTF Legislation to knowingly give information that is false and misleading to a reporting entity (such as Rivalry). Rivalry relies on the information that You provide being true and correct. If Rivalry has reasonable ground to suspect that the warranty set out in this clause is false, and/or any information You provide is untrue, incorrect, or misleading, then, without limiting any other provision of these Terms & Conditions:

a)  Rivalry may suspend or close Your Account; 

b)  Rivalry may cancel or void any transactions placed with it and Rivalry will not be obliged to pay any winnings which might otherwise have been payable to You;

c)  Rivalry may retain (or recover from You) the value of any cancelled or voided transactions and any winnings paid to You; and

d)  We may report the matter to law enforcement authorities and regulatory bodies. 

3.3.  Rivalry and a prospective Member must meet any Identification and Verification, as well as due diligence-based obligations, as specified in the AML/CTF Legislation prior to a Member opening an Account. A Member will not be able to use the website until such time as the Member successfully completes Identification and Verification. A failure to comply with Identification and Verification obligations may also result in an investigation of the Account and where a reasonable basis exists, a referral to the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) or another relevant authority.

3.4.  Following the Member establishing an Account, the Member accepts that We will provide that Member’s Personal Information (including KYC information) to Our choice of a third party credit based entity, for the purposes of independent Identification and Verification services (Third Party IDV). Third Party IDV may involve checking the provided identification across other third-party databases. Third Party IDV is an independent service, not under the control of Rivalry, and accordingly We cannot guarantee that 100% of Our Members will be successfully verified this way or the timeframes of Third Party IDV. Unfortunately, this may mean Your Identification and Verification may not be successful, or could be delayed. We are not responsible for any such delay or Identification and Verification failure. Rivalry will pass on only the bare minimum of Your Personal Information required to meet the Third Party IDV.

3.5.  In line with the minimum Identification and Verification requirements set under AML/CTF Rules, confirmation of Your residential address must occur. Where KYC documents are required to be provided to Rivalry and Your current address is not clearly on the front or back of the provided documents, You must provide an acceptable alternate proof of Your current residential address. An acceptable proof of address may include, at the discretion of Rivalry, a certified copy of one or more of the following documents (which must be dated no more than 3 months prior to the date that the Member provides the document to Rivalry);

a) a rates notice of Your principal place of residence;

b) a utility bill; and/or;

c) a statement from a financial institution.

3.6.  All documents related to Identification and Verification which You are required to provide to Rivalry must be provided in English or they may be rejected. Rivalry may at its discretion elect to conduct further investigations into any documents provided. Further investigations may not be limited to instigating direct contact with the Member to confirm any provided documents, or its contents. Rivalry reserves its right to reject any certified KYC document provided to Rivalry. Further, Rivalry reserves the right to ask for additional information or documentation be supplied if the copies are illegible, unclear, We need further information to satisfy Ourselves of Your identity, or otherwise comply with AML/CTF Legislation. This includes, from time to time, where Rivalry may request proof that all KYC documents are up to date and to produce further documents if there has been a change. Any further request made documents in these circumstances will require newly provided documents to also be certified. If You do not provide, or if Rivalry is unable to verify, such additional information, Your Account will be suspended, and You will not be able to transact or withdraw any funds until such time as Your identity has been verified.

3.7.  Where a Member deliberately falsifies any KYC documents, related document or details for any purpose associated with their interactions with Rivalry, or with opening and/or transacting on an Account, Rivalry may suspend or cancel the Account without prior notice to the Member and void any pending or resulted Bets.

3.8.  Rivalry may, on request, require further and better copies of any debit, credit, virtual, prepaid, travel card, or it’s like (Card Payment), that is not legible and used to fund an Account. Rivalry may choose to reject any form of Card Payment submitted at their discretion, in circumstances not limited to, the rejection or dishonour of a card. A Card Payment must match the Member’s Account details, or otherwise be verified. Where a Card Payment is used which does not match Your Account details, or otherwise has been verified by Us, Rivalry may reject the transaction or suspend the Account until the consent, validity, or legality of the transaction is proven.

3.9.  Rivalry reserves the right, at any time, to:

a)  request a bank statement associated with an actual or proposed Card Payment; or

b)  request You confirm the exact value of a small authorisation amount We have charged the third-party account attached to the Card Payment method; or

c)  request a legible copy of the front of the relevant Card Payment method.

4. Account security

4.1. Rivalry takes account security seriously and expressly requires a Member to treat their Account in a secure and responsible manner. A Member is responsible for their own Account login credentials that include any; Personal Identification Number (PIN), password, login number or identifier (Login Credentials). A Member must keep their Login Credentials confidential. Where a Member believes their Account or Login Credentials, or device they have used to access the Website or their Account are lost, forgotten, or compromised they must immediately notify Us. We may choose to issue new Login Credentials, or, at Our sole discretion a new Account. In turn, We reserve Our rights to reject or invalidate any transactions that occur using a Member’s past Account or Login Credentials.

4.2.  Where a Member wishes to use a nominated person to access to their Account or use their Login Credentials they must first receive written approval from Us first. We may refuse such request at Our discretion. For the avoidance of doubt, a nominee includes, but is not limited to a family member, an authorised entity or company, business or group of people (Nominee). We may request certified documentation from any proposed Nominee, or a written endorsement of the Account holder for the proposed Nominee to access the Account. The Member remains solely responsible for their Account, including but not limited to transactions, Bets and Account changes made by any Nominee. We do not accept any liability, loss or otherwise that results from a Nominee using a Member’s Account.

4.3.  For the avoidance of doubt, a Member is responsible for all Bets and any losses on their Account, be that by way of use by a Nominee or otherwise, where their Login Credentials have been used. This also includes a situation where:

a)  Your device remembers or retains Your Login Credentials (or part of Your Login Credentials) for a certain period of time or indefinitely, either automatically or because You have selected an option to do so; 

b)  Your device keeps you logged into Your Account for a certain period, either automatically or because You have selected an option to do so; or

c)  You do not manually log out of Your Account. 

4.4.  A Member is responsible for ensuring that no person under the age of eighteen (18) (Minor) accesses or uses their Account. Where possible, a Member should be aware of the presence of any Minors while placing a Bet and seek to limit any exposure to a Minor of gambling and potential gambling harm. In circumstances where the Member shares a laptop or computer with a Minor, Rivalry strongly recommends the installation and use of parental/child protection software such as NetNanny or the like.

4.5.  A Member is solely responsible for the balance of their Account and should confirm and query immediately any suspect transaction. We recommend that a Member check the balance of their Account each time they log onto their Account or at any time they place a Bet. It is the responsibility of the Member to also immediately notify Us where any suspected Account discrepancy is discovered.

4.6.  Rivalry’s Website contains adult content and is intended for use by persons over the age of 18. 

4.7.  To use the Website (including via mobile application), We advise that location data from Your device whilst using the Website will be accessed and used by Our integrated security systems to alert Us to suspicious activity, for the purposes of protecting Your Account security and preventing fraud. We may require You to register Your devices to Your Account and restrict the use of Your Account to no more than two unique devices at any time where We reasonably believe that multiple devices have been used in breach of these Terms & Conditions.        

5. Making a Deposit or a Withdrawal

5.1.  A Member may make deposit to their Account by way of Credit Card or Debit Card and a Member may also make a withdrawal through Inpay  (Funding Instrument). Rivalry reserves its right to add, remove or restrict payment methods in general and specifically to any Member or group of Members. Current acceptable forms of deposit types are listed when payment is prompted for the ‘Wallet’ function.

5.2.  A Member may make a deposit into their Account using one of the following available currencies (the list may be subject to change);

a) Australian Dollar (AUD); and

5.3.  You acknowledge and agree that the Account or Wallet function is only available for the sole purpose of making Bets or gambling via Rivalry (Sole Purpose). Where Rivalry reasonably believes that funds deposited into an Account are for a purpose that deviates from the Sole Purpose, We reserve Our right to decline any deposited amounts, return the funds to the Funding Instrument used to fund the Account (where possible), and close the Account.

5.4.  You agree that when You deposit funds into Your Account via any approved deposit methods (as set out in clause 5.1), You are purchasing from Rivalry a top up to Your Account balance.

5.5.  You agree and acknowledge that any deposits and withdrawals from Your Account must be from/to a verified Funding Instrument unless otherwise determined by Rivalry in its absolute discretion. 

5.6.  If Rivalry discovers that an Account is not funded by a Funding Instrument held in the Member’s name, or they are not demonstrably and expressly authorised to use the Funding Instrument, Rivalry may return the funds to the same Funding Instrument used to make any such deposit. If this determination takes place after Bets have been placed, Rivalry reserves the right to void any resulted or pending Bets on the Member’s Account. If Rivalry determined that there is not enough information to prove the owner of a particular Funding Instrument, We reserve the right to request certified documentation as proof of ownership or a right to use a Funding Instrument prior to making any decision. You consent to allow Rivalry or its authorised representative to make direct contact with Your financial institution to confirm any transaction that requires clarification or confirmation of a right to make the payment, or its correctness. Rivalry will only use this right sparingly and whereby it is reasonable to do so.

5.7.  Rivalry requires a Member to “turnover” or Bet through their Account at least once before a withdrawal or withdrawal request is made by the Member. For example, if You deposit $100, You must place $100 in Bets before withdrawing any winnings.

5.8.  If a Member is innocently restricted, or an error takes place during their first Bet, or for any other reason as determined by Rivalry, Rivalry reserves its right to waive the obligation in clause 5.7 in its absolute and reasonable discretion. 

5.9.  Rivalry may also at its discretion require a Member to deposit funds back to its original Funding Instrument.

5.10.  Rivalry reserves its right to investigate any potentially suspicious or fraudulent withdrawal or attempted withdrawal of a Member’s funds (Investigation). Such an Investigation may include or involve:

a)  requesting proof of deposit or withdrawal bank account information to verify that the information provided is true and correct (including the methods described in clause 3.9); and

b)  direct contact with a financial institution as described in clause 5.6 above to establish whether the withdrawal is authorised and correct.

5.11.  Rivalry reserves the right to prevent any withdrawal, pending the outcome of an Investigation. Following an Investigation of a potentially fraudulent withdrawal (or deposit), We may permit, cancel, or reverse the deposit/withdrawal.

5.12.  Rivalry does not charge Members for credit or debit Card deposit or withdrawal fees. However, We may charge an AU$25.00 transfer fee for an international transfer requested. This fee will be deducted from the amount requested by the Member. Any other banking fees associated with funding or withdrawing monies associated with a Member’s Account is the sole responsibility of the Member. In the event that Rivalry is charged, or is notified of a potential charge, We reserve Our right to pass on any such charge to the Member. Rivalry reserves the right to pass on any incurred transaction fees to Members who We determine make deposits into their Account for purposes other than the Sole Purpose. 

5.13.  A Member agrees that they, as the authorised Account holder, You are the only person permitted to withdraw, deposit or deal with monies (Transact) on Your Account, or otherwise use the Account. Members must use their own or joint deposit and withdrawal methods. You must not allow a third party to use Your Account or Funding Instrument to Transact on Your Account. Third parties should not attempt to transact on a Member’s Account. Rivalry reserves its right to cancel any unauthorised or prohibited third party related transaction if it detects such transactions. Rivalry may also contact a third party to confirm if they have permission to use Your Account. Following any investigations by Rivalry, We may choose to suspend or cancel Your Account. Rivalry may also take any further action it deems necessary to fairly and reasonably remedy the third party situation. Members accept that Rivalry will review each situation on a case-by-case basis taking into account deposits, withdrawals, Bets and any other information available. 

5.14.  You agree that where, by determination of Rivalry, an Account has not been used in good faith (including where a person fails to disclose their identity or payment information), Rivalry may refuse future transactions on that Account. Further, Rivalry may allow or retrospectively void existing transactions on that Account. You are welcome to request clarification of any decisions made by Rivalry in relation to an Account suspension or closure. Rivalry will endeavour to answer Your question by response within a reasonable time frame (usually within thirty (30) days).

5.15.  Rivalry may set limits on deposits and further restrict withdrawals on a Member’s Account where they have not met KYC and Identification and Verification requirements set down out in clause 3, until such time that Rivalry is satisfied that the Member has met such requirements.

5.16.  Additional Accounts in a Member’s name (including any Account You opened with misspellings or different variations of Your name) are not allowed and Rivalry will actively seek to discover abuse of this clause 5.16. Any discovery of a breach of this clause 5.16 will lead to the suspension and cancellation of the Account, without prior notice to the Member. Irrespective of this, a Member who has opened multiple Accounts will be responsible for any transactions that occur in relation to those Accounts. All restrictions, self-imposed or otherwise that apply to a Member’s principle account will likewise apply to a Member’s additional Accounts.

5.17.  Credit Betting is not permitted. 

5.18.  Interest is not paid on monies held in Your Account. 

5.19.  For the avoidance of doubt, if Rivalry decides to suspend, close or cancel Your Account in accordance with these Terms & Conditions, You will be:

a)  unable to further Transact on Your Account; 

b)  entitled to the reimbursement of any undisputed Account balance You may have. This will be accomplished via a verified Funding Instrument attached to the Account, or other method determined by Us; and

c)  where You have placed Bets in relation to events which have not yet taken place at the time of suspension or termination of Your Account, We reserve Our rights to treat such Bets as void and return the stake to You. 

5.20.In addition to the ‘wallet’ described in this clause 5 (Wallet), You will be provided with a ‘Bonus wallet.’ This ‘Bonus wallet’ will contain any bonuses provided to You under these Terms & Conditions. You agree that when You are granted a bonus, it will appear in Your ‘Bonus Wallet.’ Further, You agree that You will only be able to place a bet using the funds in Your ‘Bonus Wallet’ and will be unable to withdraw those funds. For the avoidance of doubt, winnings from a bet placed using funds in Your ‘Bonus Wallet’ will be placed into Your Wallet and you can withdraw those winnings immediately, subject to these Terms & Conditions. Bonus funds will remain in Your ’Bonus Wallet’ until such time as you place a bet using that bonus fails, unless explicitly stated.

6. Charge backs or reversal of deposits

6.1.  You agree and warrant that no charge back or other cancellation of deposits will be made relating to Your Account without the approval, or prior approval, of Rivalry. Should a charge back or cancellation circumstance occur, You indemnify Rivalry from all costs, fees and liability that may arise from such an event, including but not limited to the costs associated with recovering such amounts.

6.2.  Where You dispute a transaction relating to a third party such as BPAY or a banking institution, We may elect to temporarily suspend Your Account and conduct an investigation into the transaction. We reserve Our rights to affect any suspension immediately, without notice and to further seek to recover any cost relating to that investigation from You.

6.3.  We reserve the right to request information in relation to the point of origin of funds in any transaction that We believe may be suspicious or require further investigation. Information requested to prove where funds have originated may include certified copies of bank statements and may occur prior to You withdrawing funds or requesting funds to be withdrawn. Where We are of the belief that any withdrawal request is unauthorised, We may decide not to return funds, and/or, void Bets We deem to be associated with unauthorised funds.

7. Illegal, Fraudulent or Unauthorised Transactions (or Series of Transactions)

7.1.  Where We reasonably believe deposited funds or winnings associated with an Account are by an unauthorised or fraudulently used Funding Instrument, We reserve Our right to report the fraud or misuse and/or to close the Account. All misuse, unauthorised use or fraudulent conduct associated with a Funding instrument will be referred to the appropriate law enforcement and/or other authorities and the provider of the Funding Instrument. 

7.2.  Further, Rivalry may employ third party services, or technology to track and retain technical information on a device used in breach of this clause 7 or a Member’s account more generally. Where an Account has not been operated in good faith, We may use this information to determine any investigation undertaken to assess bonus or betting abuse, multiple Account usage, payment method abuse and the like.

7.3.  To detect fraudulent activity We may, from time to time, monitor one or more Accounts We deem to be displaying unusual activity. We reserve the right to close an Account, suspend Account (pending a full investigation), and void transactions and Bets as We see reasonably necessary where We believe there to be a risk of fraudulent activity involved.

7.4.  Where We detect or become aware of any system that is being used to exploit variation in odds for a particular event, esport or sport competition, between two or more bookmakers, in order to guarantee a profit irrespective of the outcome of the event (Arbitrage Betting), and that system is deemed by Us to have a harmful or negative affect on Us, We reserve Our right to suspend or cancel Your Account pending an investigation into the conduct that We believe constitutes the Arbitrage Betting. This may or may not involve voiding any or all Bets made by such persons reasonably determined to be involved in Arbitrage Betting.

8. Live Streaming of esports

8.1.  We do not allow live or “in play” Betting within Australia, which is prohibited and unlawful except where We take Bets over the telephone. Other jurisdictions may allow “live streamer” Betting and You may be able to view live competitions or events on Our Website or group of websites.

8.2.  Rivalry does not have the right to, or own any, live feed media and any such media that may be streamed through third party services such as Twitch, Youtube or other providers (Streaming Services). These Streaming Services are subject to the individual rules of that Streaming Service. Rivalry is not responsible for the views or opinions presented by any streamer and will not accept responsibility or liability for any view or opinion expressed in Streaming Services or any other media that Rivalry may facilitate but not control. For example, message boards or other community-based communication avenues.

9. Rivalry’s rights and related matters

9.1.  Esports and the Betting services related to them can be a dynamic environment. As a consequence, We reserve the right to cancel, change or restrict the products or types of Bets without notice to Members and at anytime.

9.2.  We are required to comply with Our NTRC licence conditions which includes the maintenance of a separate account which contains enough funds to cover, dollar for dollar, Member’s funds kept in their Accounts. This condition is closely monitored by the NTRC for compliance.

9.3.  We have made and continues to make considerable efforts to ensure that Our esports Betting business and associated services operates in a fair, transparent, efficient, and accurate manner. To the extent allowed by law, We exclude all warranties, express or implied, relating to or arising out of Betting services We offer. We exclude all/any liability for all loss types, including direct, indirect (consequential loss), damage, expense or injury suffered by any Member arising out of:

a)  these Terms & Conditions;

b)  uses of their Account; or

c)  any action taken by Rivalry in relation to a Member’s Account.

9.4. Notwithstanding these Terms & Conditions, nothing affects Our liability in relation to:

a)  the requirement to pay any Member their rightful winnings or any other amount properly owed to a Member and pursuant to these Terms & Conditions;

b)  the death or serious personal injury arising from Our proven negligence;

c)  any fraud or misrepresentation by Us; or

d)  any other matter whereby Our liability cannot be excluded or limited under any applicable law.

9.5.  Subject to clause 9.3 and 9.4, and to the extent permitted by law, Our liability in respect of any claim or loss is limited to the amount of any Bet placed by a Member.

9.6.  If a Member receives a bonus Bet or some other form of bonus that requires a deposit to be made to be entitled to use/claim the Bonus, both the deposit and the Bonus must be wagered. Where a Member has breached these Terms & Conditions, Rivalry reserves their right to remove or withdraw any Bonus and refund any deposited amount to the Member’s Account. Bonus based promotions may change from time to time and Members should avail themselves of any terms or conditions associated with any promotion they utilise or consider utilising.

9.7.  We extend all services and products on a good faith basis to Members who act in good faith, sincerely, without fraud, and who utilise Our services or promotions for the purpose of recreation and entertainment. We may also restrict or determine a Member ineligible for any promotion at Our sole discretion and as We see fit. 

9.8.  Where We form the reasonable opinion that You or Your Account transaction history may represent a significant risk to Rivalry’s Betting business, constitute a breach or attempted breach of these Terms & Conditions, or any applicable law, and/or gives rise to an integrity concern, We reserve Our right to: 

a)  suspend or cancel Your Account immediately and without notice to You;

b)  request further information from You, including to further verifying Your identity and source of funds; and/or

c)  intervene with any Bet (or part of any Bet) by way of voiding or allowing the Bet (or part of any Bet) to stand.

9.9.  We may take action as described in clause 9.8 in circumstances where a Member has not operated their Account with integrity, including (but not limited to) where the Member:

a)  Intentionally or knowingly exploits a market or the Terms & Conditions with or without the use of deception;

b)  seeks to manipulate the course or outcome of a market with or without receiving a personal gain;

c)  receives an unjust advantage from information not available to the public (insider information);

d)  Intentionally abuses an inadvertent error in the description of a market, at any time before or after the correction of that error by Rivalry.

9.10.  You acknowledge that Rivalry may pay a referring third party or affiliate commission payments. Any payments of commission do not affect the odds or prize money available for any given Bet.

9.11.  Rivalry is a responsible bookmaker and offers Members the ability to control their Betting activity by setting a restriction or limit on the amount they can deposit into their Account.

9.12. For the avoidance of doubt, any reference to discretion which may be exercised by Rivalry under these Terms & Conditions mean Rivalry’s sole and absolute discretion. 

10. Placement and acceptance of Bets

10.1.  All Bets placed on any Account are considered to be placed and received in the NT, Australia.

10.2.  We are licensed to provide Betting and gambling services in Australia via the NT. Accordingly, We do not represent or warrant that placing or receiving Bets within Your Account will comply with the legal requirements of any other jurisdiction outside of the NT. As such, a Member must satisfy themselves of the legality of their Betting or transactions via Us. You accept full and final responsibility of the following actions:

a) application to Rivalry for an Account or its associated services;

b) remitting funds by a Funding Instrument or any other way to an Account; and c) placing Bets and receiving winnings from/with Rivalry

10.3. We reserve Our right to refuse any Bet, or part of a Bet, without prior notice or explanation, and also to restrict, suspend or cancel Your Account if any of the following apply:

a) where You are or may be a Minor or Betting on behalf of a Minor;

b)  where You structure Your Bets (including by placing those Bets as smaller Bets on the same event and for the same outcome in quick succession) in a manner which, in Rivalry’s reasonable opinion, appear to be for the purpose of ensuring that those Bets are accepted by Rivalry in circumstances where they otherwise might be rejected (for commercial and other reasons);  

c)  where You are or may be Betting in breach of these Terms & Conditions (including but not limited to, engaging in Masking or Arbitrage Betting) and any applicable Act or law; 

d)  You access or use the Website utilising any other type of automated, robotic, systematic, artificial, obscured, or computerised method(s). This includes, without limitation, the use of data extraction or scraping; and

e)  where, at the sole discretion of Us, any proposed Bet may present a risk that We consider to be unacceptable.

10.4. When You make a Bet via the Website, the Bet is deemed to be valid only when;

a)  the Bet has been paid in full by You;

b)  the Bet has been accepted by Us; and

c)  the Bet appears as an accepted Bet on Your Account.

10.5.  Irrespective of the appearance of the acceptance of a Bet it must actually be accepted by Us and We reserve the right to reject, void or stop any given Bet without notice. Placed Bets by a Funding Instrument must be paid in full before they are valid and where they are not they are void.

10.6.  You are solely responsible for entering and choosing the particulars of Your Bets. You acknowledge that, in placing Your Bet, You are not relying on any statement of any of Our employees or representatives relating to the subject matter of the Bet. We take no responsibility for Bets made in haste, error, carelessly or otherwise and You indemnify Us for any such error You make in such Betting on Your Account. We are under no obligation to cancel Bets that have been validly placed and accepted in accordance with these Rules.

10.7.  Notwithstanding clause 10.6, We may be able to cancel or change a Bet made in error, or otherwise, at Our sole discretion. In these circumstances, We may void the Bet and request that another Bet be made in its place. A pattern or suspected patter of behaviour of a Member that seeks to alter or avoid Bets by claim of error will be deemed to be inconsistent with these Terms & Conditions. We may take any such lawful action We deem reasonable to address this type of conduct, including limiting, suspending, or cancelling Your Account.

10.8.  We reserve the right to suspend or prohibit further Bets on any event at any time and without prior notice to You at Our sole discretion. Should an event be suspended or access to it prohibited, any attempted Bets placed via the Website that follows the suspension or access prohibition will be rejected.

10.9.  Bets will be accepted up to the announced official start time for any event. Where there is no official start time announced, Bets will be accepted up to the advertised start time of the event. Where there is any confusion between the start and advertised time, We reserve the right to set a reasonable start time on the basis of the information available on the event. Where a Bet is inadvertently accepted after the relevant start time, the Bet will be void.

10.10.  We accept no responsibility or liability for the failure of telecommunication or information technology-based systems not under Our control that prevent or impede the correct placing accepting, recording, confirmation or notification of transactions. We shall not, under any circumstance, be responsible or liable for damages or losses that are deemed or alleged to have resulted from or been caused by the Website, or any of its content, including but not limited to any errors or omissions in content.

10.11.  We do not provide a “cash out” service and will not allow a Member the option to cash their Bet out in the middle of an event, match, competition etc.

10.12.  We reserve Our right to keep a recording of any customer service or related telephone call between Us and a Member. Alternatively, in relation to Our “Chat Support” text service, We reserve Our right to retain and copy the history of transcripts that relate to any communication in text format. Please note that we retain records of all customer support conversations conducted through our AI-powered chat system, which is operated using large language models (LLM). Personal information shared during customer interactions with the AI-powered chatbot, may be disclosed or shared solely for the purpose of improving and refining the chatbot's functionality and enhancing the overall customer experience. Similarly, We may retain e-mail chain or text message history between Us and You. You agree to such recordings, transcripts, or email history being retained and/or copied by Us and at Our sole discretion (Recorded Material). Where a Dispute (as defined in clause 13) arises which remains unresolved between Us and You, You agree to allow Us to rely upon the Recorded Material as evidence and present that Material to an adjudicator. An adjudicator may determine the Dispute in accordance with these Terms & Conditions. All Recorded Materials will be retained by Us consistently with Our privacy obligations as described within Our Privacy Policy.

10.13.  The current minimum Bet is AU$0.50 and the maximum is AU$1,000.00 (Bet Thresholds). We reserve the right to alter the Bet Thresholds at Our sole discretion and without notice to You. We maintain Bet Thresholds to protect Our risk and that of Our Members.

10.14. We reserve Our right to provide any Personal Information, Betting data or information to ESIC and/or an Australian governing sporting authority, or to any other lawful regulator, including but not limited to AUSTRAC and other related law enforcement agencies (collectively, an Authority). You consent to any such information being provided when there is a reasonable and/or lawful basis to do so. An Authority may include bodies that oversee the rules and regulations of a sport and may possess sanctioning powers. Examples include but is not limited to ESIC, Cricket Australia or the National Basketball League. We may provide the following information to an Authority:

a) any record, Recorded Material, or data in Our possession or control that relates to Betting transactions of the Member; and

b) the name, contact details and similar identifying information in Our possession or control relating to that Member.

10.15. Any such information provided to an Authority under clause 10.14 will only be provided to assist a legitimate inquiry conducted by an Authority or where We reasonably believe that Our obligations under any relevant legislation or law requires Us to provide it to the Authority. For example under the AML/CTF Legislation.

10.16. “Odds Boosts” are a discretionary increase in the odds of a bet. The settlement of bets that have Odds Boosts will follow the rules outlined in these Terms and Conditions.

10.17 Odds Boosts are only available on select “Quick Combo”. Odds Boosts will be identified with a “Boosted” tag on a Quick Combo and the increased odds will be displayed and the original odds will be greyed out.

10.18 Once a bet is placed, the increased payout will be reflected directly on the betslip.

10.19 The addition or removal of any leg to a Quick Combo will result in the removal of the Odds Boost from the bet. If any leg of a Boosted Combo is cancelled or voided, the boost amount will be recalculated at revised odds, depending on the remaining valid legs still applied.

10.20 Rivalry reserves the right to cancel/void any bets with Odds Boosts in cases where bets were accepted in error or a violation of these Terms and Conditions and our Betting Rules.

11. Errors

11.1.  We endeavour to ensure that no errors are made in setting markets including but not limited to errors in prices offered, available selections offered, Bets accepted on an Account or any errors in exclusions for certain events. We reserve the right to correct errors and to void any Bets prior to or after an event in circumstances where a Bet has been accepted and where there has been a material technical, human or other error in setting a market and/or in accepting a Bet (Material Error).

11.2.  Where a Bet is voided by way of an error made by Us prior to an event commencing, We will endeavour to contact You by e-mail promptly to inform You that the Bet has been voided.

11.3.  For the purposes of this clause 11, an error in setting a market or accepting a Bet will be a Material Error in the following circumstances:

a) the price struck for a Bet is materially greater than a price previously offered on the same or a similar market by Rivalry or any competing bookmaker;

b) there is an error in the price of at least one selection which forms part of a multi Bet (parlay); the combined effect of which results in a materially erroneous price;

c) the available selection(s) on a market are so different from the selection(s) previously offered on the same or a similar market by Rivalry or any competing bookmaker; or

d) a reasonable person with a good understanding of wagering would reasonably understand that there was an error in a relevant market or in the acceptance of the Bet.

11.4. For the purposes of clause 11.3:

a) a Bet means either a single Bet or a multiple Bet known as a parlay (including same game parlays and Quick Combos); and

b) where the error in a multi Bet is in relation to a price or selection, the multi Bet will be either re-calculated at adjusted (corrected) prices or by excluding the event to which the error relates, but only at Our sole discretion.

11.5.  A Material Error may, depending on the circumstances, mean that We wrongly pay an amount to You or We may pay You more than the amount which You are properly entitled. In this situation, You agree to repay Us immediately upon request from Us the amount which has been wrongly paid or overpaid to You. When making such a request, We will detail the Material error and articulate how We have calculated the sum owing.

12. Responsible Gambling

12.1. Rivalry takes responsible gambling seriously by;

a) facilitating gambling limits on request. Should a Member wish to limit the amount they may Bet on their Account they may do so at the time they establish their Account or any time afterwards. Further, We currently maintain Bet limits of AU$1000 per Bet;

b) providing a self-exclusion option. You may stop Betting for a period of time or permanently if gambling has become an issue for You, or is causing You or others around You harm. You may cease gambling for an elected period through Our Responsible Gambling tab under Your Account which will offer a range of periods (one (1) week to permanently).

12.2. To effect responsible gambling measures listed above at clause 12.1, We may retain such personal information, for as long as required, to effectively implement self-exclusion facilities. The following minimum personal information will be retained to maintain an exclusion facility;

a) Your name;

b) Your address; and

c) Your payment details.

12.3. If You elect to self-exclude;

a) You must not attempt to open a (further) Account to place Bets or engage in conduct that will enable You to make Bets via Our services indirectly or otherwise;

b) You remain fully liable and responsible for Your actions and all Your activity and Bets placed; and

c) subject to these Terms & Conditions, if We are of the opinion that You have, or are deliberately, attempting to circumnavigate imposed restrictions (by way of additional Accounts or otherwise) and have placed Bets while excluded We will;

  1. void open or pending Bets and the original stake will be returned to Your Account;
  2. resulted Bets will stand; and
  3. the balance of Your Account will be returned to You.

12.4. We use all reasonable endeavours to not advertise, market or communicate with Minors or individuals for whom gambling has become a problem.

12.5. Further information is available in relation to responsible gambling on Our Website or at the following online resources:

a) Relationship Australia: Problem Gambling:


b) Lifeline Problem Gambling:


13. Dispute Resolution

13.1.  These Terms & Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the applicable law of the NT and each Member irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the NT Courts in respect to any dispute that arises out of or in relation to these Terms & Conditions, or of any service or product offered by Rivalry (Dispute). However, this clause 13.1 does not prevent You or Us from seeking an interim injunction in any court of a competent jurisdiction.

13.2.  We are committed to providing high quality Customer Service, and to dealing with Disputes in a prompt, efficient, and fair manner. We may require additional information from You about Your Dispute. If this applies, We will contact You.

13.3.  Our Dispute handling process is set out below:

a) Contact Customer Service – As a first point of reference, You should direct Your Dispute to the Customer Support team via email, live-chat or otherwise available method of communication. Contact details are available on Our Website. 

b)  Escalate to Management – If You are dissatisfied with the resolution provided by the Customer Support team You may request that Your matter be escalated to a member of Our Management Team. A member of the Management Team will then investigate Your dispute or complaint, and management’s responses will be provided to You via Customer Support. 

c)  Escalate to Our licensing body – Where a Dispute cannot be resolved between You and Us, then You must follow the prescribed process set out by the NTRC. You may utilise the online gambling dispute form that is found at: https://nt.gov.au/industry/gambling/gambling/complain-about-a-bookmaker-or-betting-exchange-operator. You must fill out and submit the online form within fourteen (14) days of the event giving rise to the Dispute. The NTRC may make a decision on the matter and it will be binding on Us and You. 

d)  Card disputes – If Your Dispute is not resolved to Your satisfaction and it is about a transaction on Your Visa, Mastercard or EFTPOS card (but not a Dispute relating to Betting), You can escalate Your Dispute to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority. The Australian Financial Complaints Authority can be contacted on 1800 931 678 or at info@afca.org.au.

13.4.  Nothing in clause 13.3 precludes Your rights at law in relation to the complaint or Your rights to injunctive relief, or any other appropriate remedy.

13.5. No rule of contract interpretation may be applied in the interpretation of these Terms & Conditions to the disadvantage of a party on the basis that it prepared or put forward these Terms & Conditions or any document forming part of these Terms & Conditions.

14. Inactive Account Status and Closure of Inactive Account

14.1.  You may close Your Account at any time either by using Our Website or by letting Us know of Your desire to close Your Account in writing, via email or post using the contact details on the Website. We will refund the balance of Your Account by a method of payment determined by Us (pending any outstanding investigations or enquires made in accordance with these Terms & Conditions). If You have placed any Bets in relation to events which have not yet taken place at the time of closing Your Account such Bets will still stand, and if such Bets subsequently win, the corresponding sums will be paid to You within a reasonable time of the outcome of the Bet becoming known. 

14.2.  We reserve the right to deem an Account that has not been transacted upon for at least eighteen (18) months to be inactive (Inactive Account). We may charge an AU$10 monthly charge on accounts that are inactive.

14.3.  To avoid the monthly charge, You may withdraw funds or place a Bet. If this occurs Your Account will no longer be deemed to be an Inactive Account 

14.4.  An Inactive Account that has a zero ($0.00) balance will not be charged the monthly fee. However, where an Account is an Inactive Account and has a zero-dollar balance We reserve Our right to close the Account.

15. Inconsistency between these Rules and rules specific to an event

15.1. Whereby any inconsistency exists between these Terms & Conditions and those that apply to a specific event these Terms & Conditions will prevail.

16. Force majeure and unexpected events

16.1.  If an event(s) occur that is beyond Our reasonable control such as a pandemic, epidemic, fire, earthquake, flood, element of nature, act of God, terrorist act, act of war, riot, rebellion, strike, blockade, labour disruption or otherwise, that has a material impact on a sporting, esports, or other event (or series of events, games or matches etc.) which is the subject of a contingency, or outcome of a market offered by Us, We reserve the right at Our sole discretion (and acting in good faith) to void, cancel, restrict or otherwise the alter or adjust payout (in whole or part) of the affected wager(s) placed on the relevant market. This includes retrospectively taking any of the actions listed above once a Bet has been made and before or after it has resulted.

16.2.  A material impact on any event, sport event, esport event or otherwise, without limitation includes:

a) a reduction in the number of games, matches or race events in a season or series;

b) any material change in the length of a game, match or event, or when those games matches or events are played;

c) a change in the location of any match, game, event or otherwise.

17. Material changes to events by sporting bodies or codes

17.1.  Where a relevant gaming, racing, or sporting body announces or declares any material change to the structure of a competition, game, event or otherwise (including, but in no way limited to player numbers in a match in a series or event, the time, location or date of events), and We consider reasonably that such a change will have a material impact on a market or Bet taken on or involving that competition, event or otherwise, all Bets may be voided by Us at Our sole and reasonable discretion.

17.2.  Such action will take place as soon as reasonably practicable following such announcement or declaration. All Bets, including parlay or multi Bets that rely on more than one event, competition or otherwise, which are cancelled will be recalculated in a manner solely decided at Our discretion.

18. Social networking and community involvement

18.1. You agree to conduct Yourself in a reasonable and inoffensive manner when engaging with other Members and the public at large in the following environments or contexts;

a) on any online forums run by, related to, or involving Us;

b) community events where a Member is or may be identified as a Member; and

c) any educational event hosted, run, or overseen by Us where You may interact with other Members or the public at large.

18.2.  Where You are deemed to be offensive or engaged in conduct that is deemed to be offensive (Offensive Behaviour) by Us, We may at Our sole discretion discontinue access to any online environment, or ask You to leave any physical event, where You are deemed to be exhibiting Offensive Behaviour. Following a request by Us, You agree to leave any such virtual or physical environment or event without protest and as soon as practicable.

18.3.  We intend to be a positive force within the esports, and the sporting community. To that end, We intend to positively engage with the esports community and Members. In turn We expect Members and those engaging with Us and Our associated community to engage likewise in good faith and in a positive manner.

19. Website terms of use

19.1.  Rivalry are the owners and operators of this Website.

19.2.  The terms of use in clause 19 (Website Terms) apply to Your use of the Website. By accessing and/or using the Website You agree to be bound to these Website Terms.

19.3.  We reserve the right to amend these Website Terms as they apply to Your access and/or use of the Website, at Our sole discretion. Any such amendment that is made to these Website Terms will be effective immediately and binding upon You at the time they are uploaded, without any prior notice to You.

19.4.  To the extent permitted by law, Rivalry will in no way be liable to You, Your agent, or anyone else for any loss or damage, however it may be caused. This is irrespective of the type of damage being alleged as direct, indirect, consequential, pure economic or any other commercial form of damage that may be directly or indirectly suffered in relation to the use of the Website. The operation of this general disclaimer is not limited to any other website, application, or hyper linked extension, form, or otherwise that stems from the Website.

19.5.  This general disclaimer is not limited by the provisions set out below.

19.6.  Any information on the Website is provided in good faith and is presented on an “as is” basis.

19.7.  Rivalry is of the belief that any information on the Website is accurate and current as the date that the information was placed on the Website, unless specified otherwise. We make no representation or warranty as to how reliable, accurate or complete any such information is. When considering whether to act on any information found on the Website, You should carefully consider the consequences of any such action and where appropriate seek advice. Advice sought should be tailored to Your specific circumstances. You agree that You hold ultimate responsibility for Your assessment of information on the Website, and You rely on it at Your own risk. Additionally, We cannot and do not in any way warrant that You will receive uninterrupted or error free access to the Website or that the Website will otherwise be compatible with any hardware or software that may be used by You.

19.8.  We are in no way responsible or liable to You or any other person for interference with or damage to Your computer systems, software, or hardware in connection with Our Website. You are solely responsible for the management of Your own computer related systems, software, hardware, connectivity, or the like, and We recommend that You utilise reliable and up to date virus protection software. We will not be liable for any losses incurred or cost associated with Your connection with internet networks or any telecommunications service providers that You have engaged or any equipment or facilities You use to access Our Website. You are further responsible to ensure that Your own computer or device is virus free and unaffected by its connection to Our Website.

19.9.  As a condition of the use of Our Website You agree to not use Our Website to hurt, harass, defame or the like any other person or user related to this Website, including any Rivalry staff. You agree to not cause to be published or publish any offensive or unlawful materials on or in respect of the Website, including any related public like forum pages. This includes conduct (either singularly or repeated) directed at Rivalry staff, other Members, or the public at large, which Rivalry considers unreasonable, such as:

a)  Offensive language;

b)  Aggressive behaviour;

c)  Overt racist remarks;

d)  Overt sexual remarks;

e)  Harassing remarks;

f)  Attempted or actual bullying;

g)  Abusive or threatening remarks or behaviour; and

h)  Other similar unacceptable “trolling” or anti-social behaviour. 

19.10.  You agree to not engage in any activity or conduct that may negatively impact or damage in any way the Information Technology (IT) resources or services of Rivalry or any other person. For example by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful. You must not otherwise attempt to gain unauthorised access to Our Website or the Account of another Member. 

19.11.  You agree to not breach or attempt to breach any laws or regulations which may be applicable or become applicable in the use of Our Website in Your jurisdiction.

19.12.  All intellectual property and material subject to copyright is the property of Rivalry, unless otherwise said or used on a fair and reasonable basis and/or for the purposes of parody.

19.13.  Subject to the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), this Website and its content, programming code, or the like, must not be reproduced, distributed, adapted, transmitted, or stored in a retrieval system without Our prior consent. Further, You must not attempt to commercialise, or commercialise any information or data, obtained via Our Website or related, linked services, pages, or otherwise. Should You wish to utilise or collaborate with Rivalry and use any of Our copyright materials You should contact Us first. We reserve the right to allow or deny permission to any of Our copyright materials.

19.14.  We make no warranties or representations that any external linked site that is found on Our Website or related pages do not infringe intellectual property rights of a third party. A link from Our Website does not constitute an endorsement by Us of the use of that link, the company or organisation behind that link or the contents of the website reached using that link.

19.15.  We maintain an up to date privacy policy which may be read at the following link: https://www.rivalry.com/au/privacy-policy

19.16.  You agree to only use this Website and its relayed pages and linked services for a lawful purpose. We reserve the right to reasonably terminate Your access to Our Website at Our sole discretion and without any prior notice to You.

19.17.  For the avoidance of any doubt, this Website and its use are governed by the laws of Northern Territory, Australia. You submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Northern Territory, Australia in connection with the Australian section of the Website and its use and these Website Terms (in accordance with clause 13.1).

20. Miscellaneous

20.1.  No failure or delay by Us in exercising any right under these Terms & Conditions will operate as a waiver of this right. Similarly, any single or partial exercise of any right will not preclude any further exercise of any of these rights or the exercise of any other right, unless so expressly stated. 

20.2.  If any terms are determined by any competent authority to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable to any extent, such term (or part of the term) will to that extent be severed from the remaining Terms & Conditions which will continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law. 

20.3.  Nothing in these Terms & Conditions will be construed as creating any agency, partnership, or any other form of joint venture between You and Us. These Terms & Conditions do not confer any rights on any persons not party to these Terms & Conditions unless otherwise expressly stated. 

20.4.  You provide Your express consent for Us to transact and communication with You by electronic means.

20.5.  You are not permitted to assign, transfer, charge or otherwise deal in Your rights and/or obligations under the Terms & Conditions without Our prior express written consent. We are entitled to assign, transfer, charge or otherwise deal in Our rights under these Terms & Conditions as We see fit.